But we don’t see him! In fact, he is only in a scene or two. I will say, that the concept of The Whisper Man is unbelievably creepy. It was one of those books that if I put it down, it was hard to pick back up again because I was not invested. (Seriously, I binge-watched Mindhunter on Netflix in less than a week.) However, I found this book so cliche and rather dull. I have a weird fascination with crime books, movies, and shows. In fact, it has a 4.11 star average on Goodreads. Another book that received all the praise. Meanwhile, Jake tells Tom that he has heard whispers outside his window. They work tirelessly to find the young boy. Is it a copycat or an accomplice? That is what Detective Amanda Beck and Pete Willis have to figure out. But twenty years later, another boy disappears and the evidence is similar to The Whisper Man, but how? He is in jail. He was a serial killer who killed young boys before he was caught and put in prison. The town was the home to Frank Carter, the infamous Whisper Man. However, the house that they move into has a dark history. They move in order to leave the past behind and start a new life. He has an imaginary friend, draws most of the time and rarely talks. He is scarred from discovering the body of his mother. He also doesn’t know how to be a good father to Jake. Tom Kennedy’s wife had died and he still grieves for her. Tom Kennedy is a writer and father of a young boy named Jake. The story follows multiple points of view. * WARNING: POSSIBLE TRIGGERS INVOLVING MENTAL ILLNESS, DARK CRIMES AND GRUESOME DEATH.* Did we find it? Keep on reading and find out. The Whisper Man by Alex North is my book club’s selection for the month of October.