
United States of Japan by Peter Tieryas
United States of Japan by Peter Tieryas

United States of Japan by Peter Tieryas

Hokkaido graphic designer, Gen Igarashi often creates new art and was featured in the special edition of the Japanese version of Mecha Samurai Empire. Most of the covers and mecha designs are done by illustrator, John Liberto. Art Ĭyber Shogun Revolution art gallery in the Yurindo Bookstore in Akihabara, Japan. While the books can be read in any order, the author has described his intended sequence to be Mecha Samurai Empire, Cyber Shogun Revolution, and lastly United States of Japan. The Mecha Samurai Empire series comprises three novels and several short stories. Tieryas credits his Ace Roc editor, Anne Sowards, for helping come up with the title for Cyber Shogun Revolution (titles included Sons of Wars and The Revolution of the Bloody Mechas). His agent, Misa Morikawa, came up with the title for the series. The success of the first book opened the door for the duology of Mecha Samurai Empire and Cyber Shogun Revolution, which revolved around the battle with the Nazis. But he felt there were areas of the universe he wanted to explore more thoroughly.

United States of Japan by Peter Tieryas

He originally intended it to be one book, United States of Japan, which focused on the conflict with the terrorist organization, the George Washingtons. In particular, the contrast between the way histories often “censor” the horrific elements, presenting a glorified account of them, alarmed him. The book is strongly inspired by books like The Man in the High Castle, 1984, Moby-Dick, as well as the works of Hideo Kojima like Metal Gear Solid II. The series began as "a story revolving around the tragic events on the Asian side of WWII." Tieryas, who spent several years in Asia, experienced a different perspective on the war versus what he studied in schools in America. The first title in the series was published by Ace Books in 2016, with the latest title being released in 2020. The series has been the recipient of several awards, twice receiving the Seiun Award for speculative fiction. Each book in the series is a standalone novel in the same shared universe, featuring different protagonists, antagonists, and conflicts. The novels explore themes such as government propaganda and the blurring of fact and fiction. The stories focus primarily on Asian communities since the war, depicting the struggles of survivors in a new authoritarian regime. The series centers around an alternate America, known as the United States of Japan, after the Nazis and Japanese Empire emerged victorious in World War II. The Mecha Samurai Empire series is an alternate history, science fiction book series written by American author Peter Tieryas.

United States of Japan by Peter Tieryas